Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Savannah gave her first talk in primary on May 17th--and did a great job. She talked about the colors Heavenly Father has given us in the world. Savannah has always been very visual and colors are very important to her, so it made a great subject for her talk.

I chuckled more than once during it as her delivery was so innocently embellished to sell the message. Like a parent reading a story to a fussy 18-month old; thinking, "if the story line doesn't capture their interest....maybe an exaggerated dramatic interpretation of it will." It is amazing how kids notice even the smallest nuances of how we act. I kept picturing the different ways I have read Green Eggs and Ham over the years, just to keep my brain from going numb.

Savannah seemed confident about speaking in front of everyone and it made her seem so grown up. We are very proud of her.


  1. She's getting so grown up! So sweet :)

  2. I love your blog Eileen. Savannah is so beautiful.

  3. I just stumbled upon your blog. . .this is great. Brockton looks so old! I can't believe how much he has grown!

  4. So are you going to post every June? Do we have some new pictures to look forward to in a few months? :) ha ha ha
